PMC Research Elected as Fully-Fledged Member of Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) at Pre-presidency Conference in Zagreb
2019-11-29 00:00:00
PMC Research Elected as Fully-Fledged Member of Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) at Pre-presidency Conference in Zagreb


We can happily announce that PMC Research has become a fully-fledged member of the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) through which it will actively contribute to the work and development of the organization. It is both a great honor and responsibility for PMC Research which becomes the first member organization from the South Caucasus. Indeed, even among Eastern Partnership Countries (EAP) PMC Research is only the second organization to enroll as a member of the TEPSA. PMC Research’s admission to the TEPSA was confirmed at its pre-presidency conference.

“After accumulating experience and expertise in implementing research projects on various aspects of Georgia’s European integration process, PMC Research is eager to extend its research scope [to become more Eastern Partnership (EaP) region-oriented] and the circle of its international partners, and to engage in the implementation of projects funded under Horizon 2020. Besides, PMC Research sees the TEPSA’s events, especially its pre-presidency conferences, as opportunities to discuss policies and challenges of non-EU member states within the EU integration process, especially from EaP countries,” said Giorgi Khishtovani, Director at PMC Research.

The TEPSA is the first trans-European research network in the field of European affairs, and consists of leading research institutes from all across Europe. It is an international non-profit association under Belgian law and was established in 1974. Since then it has steadily increased its membership in response to the phases of enlargement that the European Union has undergone. Now, the TEPSA consists of 44 member institutes and associates located in 37 European countries.